
This will be the last post of bullets bombs and banks. I have come to understand how I’m operating in someone else’s truth – that being the “rulers” of this planet.

  “Dear Self-proclaimed Rulers,

By the powers invested in me I’d like to give you my thanks for participating in this experience. I have to go now and you’re welcome to come along. No hard feelings ;)”

Court finds Bush and Blair guilty of war crimes

George W. Bush (R) and Tony Blair (AFP Photo / Jim Watson)

Those who lobbied to have George W. Bush and Tony Blair tried for their role in the Iraq War have finally got their wish. Though the verdict of the court carries no legal weight, its supporters believe its symbolic value is beyond doubt.

The court in Malaysia where the trial took place may not have the power to convict, but the verdict against the former British and American leaders was unanimous.  

“War criminals have to be dealt with – convict Bush and Blair as charged. A guilty verdict will serve as a notice to the world that war criminals may run but can never ultimately hide from truth and justice,”
the statement from the Perdana Global Peace Foundation read.

The foundation was set up by former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed, who was always a staunch opponent of the war against the regime of Saddam Hussain in 2003. He previously branded Blair and Bush “child-killers”.

The tribunal, which consisted of a former federal judge and several academics, paid particular attention to the failure of the Western military to find a single weapon of mass destruction in Iraq. WMDs were cited by the Western coalition as a major reason for their military intervention. It also declared the war to be in contravention of the will of the United Nations.

“The evidence showed that the drums of war were being beaten long before the invasion. The accused in their own memoirs have admitted their intention to invade Iraq regardless of international law,” said the tribunal.

The tribunal has no powers of enforcement, and as yet there has been no response from Bush or Blair. But the Perdana Peace Foundation says it hopes to maintain pressure from the international community on the two leaders, both of whom have now retired from domestic politics.

Meanwhile, Donald Rumsfeld, the US Secretary of Defence during the Iraq War, is next on the list to have his case heard by the mock court.

Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth explores the role that…

Crisis in the Congo: Uncovering The Truth explores the role that the United States allies, Rwanda and Uganda, have played in triggering the greatest humanitarian crisis at the dawn of the 21st century. Support the completion of the film:

This May 10, 2011 interview of Dr. Niels Harrit, Associate…

This May 10, 2011 interview of Dr. Niels Harrit, Associate Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen, was conducted by Michael Rudin of the BBC.

Let’s break it down.

Let’s break it down.

Press TV Taken off air in UK – War for Freedom of Speech Now On

Press TV Taken off air in UK  War for Freedom of Speech Now On Press TV

In case you are not yet aware, OfCom, Britain’s Office of Communications, decided to take Press TV off air in the UK this week. The significance of this move by the state regulator should not be underestimated. The battle for free speech is definitely on.

With this move, the state apparatus has all but declared war on a foreign network’s ability to broadcast a political perspective that differs from the consensus reality line. Note that the state, particularly in the UK, will spend millions per year in order to enforce a rolling agenda of talking points. In the US will also spend billions to ensure the same thing.

Today London’s Telegraph newspaper reported:

“The foreign arm of the Iranian state broadcaster is to pulled off the British airwaves after media regulator revoked its broadcasting license.

Press TV, the channel which acts as the overseas mouthpiece of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s government, has been told by Ofcom that it breached broadcasting rules with its interview of a journalist who was imprisioned in an Iranian jail and forced to read from a prepared script.

The ruling comes after a year-long investigation by Ofcom into the claims made by Maziar Bahari, a journalist for Newsweek, the US magazine, who was filmed by Press TV while imprisioned in Tehran for nearly four months. He was arrested while covering the 2009 Iranian Presidential elections.”

With this move, a new front in the infowars has truly opened up. It’s not just about winning over minds and getting the info out. It is now about being able to get that info out there. It’s about preserving the free speech platform where we can receive and deliver all that valuable information. And we are up against the state.

Over the last eight years, I’ve involved myself in the battle- the one which Alex Jones and others have referred to as the Information War. The first step was getting informed, and the second step was getting involved by creating content which, up to this point, has relied heavily on the internet’s free speech platform. From this open platform, even an individual could broadcast locally, regionally and globally, disseminating information that would otherwise not get to these audiences.

Active internet news hounds like this writer, in search of alternative views that differ from the corporate mainstream media conglomerates could not believe their eyes when Press TV, a 24-hour English language global news network launched online in January 2007, followed by the TV launch later. It seemed to be the only place in the UK where one could go to catch a completely different, fresh take on domestic and world events. For sure, it had an edge.

Ofcom’s legal reasons for pulled down the network was an administrative one, citing a breach in the broadcasting code and some administrative problems with Press TV’s application as the reason.

Press TV’s response today was at the UK ban was predictably defiant:

“The British media regulator’s decision is considered to be an abuse of the UK media law and the result of mounting pressure on the organization by certain members of the royal family and government.

As an alternative international media outlet, Press TV took pains to break the mainstream media’s total silence on the violations of international law and human rights committed by the UK government at home and abroad.

The fact that Press TV is Iranian owned and operated, has drawn heavy fire from certain establishment and government critics who accuse it of being ‘bias’ towards an Iranian agenda. If only that were a prerequisite for taking a media network off the air. If it were, you could expect that Britain’s state broadcaster, the BBC, would have its license revoked overnight in foreign countries around the world.

certainly, the main reason for the west’s aggressive attitude toward Press TV is that, according to the US State Department, Iran is meant to be an enemy of the United States, Europe and Israel. If you’ve been paying attention, the war drum against Iran has not stopped beating since Dick Cheney and John Bolton began pounding it early in 2004.

If a war with Iran is on the cards, eliminating Press TV in the UK and the US will be a top priority for governments in those countries, as Press TV will be broadcasting a different view than the BBC or CNN. This would be very problematic for the establishment.

The US and Britain, who built their empires on the powerful illusion of media, simply cannot accept that a country like Iran could win-over English speaking audiences, doing a better job reporting the news than the likes of CNN or the BBC. Worse yet, they cannot accept anything other than an anti-Iranian perspective portrayed through the TV lens.

Chris Bambery, a political analyst in London explains the possible motivation behind Britain’s move:

“To me Press TV has a much wider range of debate than it is available on BBC, with views of people who support their Republican Party in the United States, who support free market policies in this country. I have debated with those people and I think Press TV has done an startling job here and that is precisely why, I believe, it is being taken off because as the reporter just said, we know there has been pressure from a number of lobbies in this country, from the Foreign Office and inside the BBC to take Press TV off the air.”

Will the state be moving in on another foreign network next?

    Following the strength of Press TV, in August 2007 arrived Russia Today (RT), another 24 hr global news network that offered an incredibly diverse band of news and opinion, not seen before on TV. Before long, RT became the second most-watched foreign news channel in the United States, after the BBC, and also set a TV News Channel record after exceeding a view count on YouTube of half a billion.

    Like Press TV, the staff at RT remained committed to delivering an even more challenging slate of programming, with it’s strap-line, “RT: question more.” It has kept its overwhelmingly anti-war, anti-globalist and pro-humanity agenda, and is generally resistant to the usual propaganda lines which are streamlined through the Murdoch media press, routinely churned out of the Whitehall, Tel Aviv, White House and US State Department.

    I found myself becoming RT’s number one fan, so I did not hesitate when I was invited by them to contribute on air. I didn’t know anyone in the organisation, had no contacts and no introductions. They simply liked my writing and were willing to give me a shot on live TV. To date, no editor at RT has ever censored or attempted to censor anything I have said, or even ask me to alter my opinion on any subject.

    This type of network practice is very, very rare in today’s corporate media matrix and for this reason, interested audiences around the world need to be vigilant and support free speech when it comes under attack from the host state.

    The Britain’s unofficial censorship unit Ofcom has obviously recognised the ability of countries like Iran to produce slick, polished and balanced programming- and deliver it with a high degree of professionalism. And in TV, the rating don’t lie. The establishment know full well that both Press TV and RT have attracted millions of viewers- viewers who will never go back to the BBC News, SKY News or ITV News.

    The battle begins. Today it is a ‘foreign’ TV network like Press TV that is being targeted, and taken down by the state.

    Tomorrow, it could be RT… and after that, who knows? Will it be hundreds of ‘foreign’ internet news websites like

    This latest victory for the censors is a move backwards for Britain, and it strikes deep into the heart of our free society- a society that generations have fought long and hard to arrive at.

    Support Press TV, support RT. If you really live in a free society, you should be able to watch and support any network that you choose to.

    Have no doubt, the infowar is well and truly on.

    Author Patrick Henningsen is an Associate Editor for Infowars, Editor of 21st Century Wire and news analyst for TV network Russia Today.

WI: No Right to Produce or Eat Food

In scary legal news a Wisconsin judge had gone completely loopy declaring that citizens have no right to produce or eat the foods of their own choice.

In response to a request from the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, the judge issued a clarification of his decision last week regarding his assessment of the constitutionality of food rights. The judge expanded on his original statement that such constitutional issues are “wholly without merit.”

He explained that the FTCLDF arguments were “extremely underdeveloped.” As an example, he said the plaintiffs’ use of the Roe v Wade abortion rights case as a precedent does “not explain why a woman’s right to have an abortion translates to a right to consume unpasteurized milk…This court is unwilling to declare that there is a fundamental right to consume the food of one’s choice without first being presented with significantly more developed arguments on both sides of the issue.” Gee, I thought they both had to do with the right to decide what to do with your own body.

As if to show how pissed he was at being questioned, he said his decision translates further that “no, Plaintiffs to not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;

“no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;”

And in a kind of exclamation point, he added this to his list of no-nos: “no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume the foods of their choice…”

You have to wonder if maybe even the regulators are getting a tad uncomfortable with the rulings coming from the nation’s judiciary on food rights. Many of these individuals, biased as they are against raw milk, dabble in farming to some extent, or grew up on farms. This judge has gone way beyond what many of them have come to assume–that everyone has the right to own a cow and consume its milk Even in places that ban raw milk sales, there’s nearly always a provision in state law that anyone who owns a cow has the right to consume its milk.

It seems Judge Fiedler is saying it’s not a “fundamental right,” but rather a right granted us by the state.
The Complete Patient

The original judgement can be seen here. To quote from the main points:

1) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or a dairy herd;

2) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to consume the milk from their own cow;

3) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to board their cow at the farm of a farmer;

4) no, the Zinniker Plaintiffs’ private contract does not fall outside the scope of the State’s police power;

5) no, Plaintiffs do not have a fundamental right to produce and consume foods of their choice;

In other words: Put down that carrot and backup slowly. Anything you eat or grow can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have now entered the police state of 1984. Shut up.

Why is this happening?
Simple, Big Ag is scared that small producers are going to take away a little bit of the market share. They are using their lobbyist and regulatory minions to put the squeeze on small family farms that have found a niche outside the mainstream in order to scare consumers back into buying at the big teats. When that doesn’t work they resort to government raids and insane judicial judgments against the small producers because Big Ag isn’t able to compete on a level playing field even with the help of all the subsidies they get.

What can you do?
Make a stink. Publicize these issues. Write about them on your blogs, web comments, to your representatives and in letters to the newspapers (you know, the crinkly things you fold that has the black ink – still a great tool of free speech as there are plenty of independents left.)

Support your local small farmers. Fight back with your pocket book. Hurt Big Ag where they feel the pain, in their wallets. Spend your dollars locally and as directly as you can to small stores and small family farms so that money flows back into your local economy.

Write your state senators and representatives and ask them to put forth a constitutional amendment that guarantees all people the fundamental right to hunt, grow, produce, own and consume their own food of all forms (animal, vegetable, fruit, cereals, nuts, fungi, etc).Support your local small farmers. Fight back with your pocket book. Hurt Big Ag where they feel the pain, in their wallets. Spend your dollars locally and as directly as you can to small stores, restaurants and family farms so that money flows back into your local economy.

Contact your state senators and representatives and ask them to put forth a constitutional amendment that guarantees all people the fundamental right to hunt, grow, produce, own and consume their own food of all forms (animal, vegetable, fruit, cereals, nuts, fungi, etc).

One more thing:
While you’re at it, suggest that all subsidies be eliminated. I mean all of them. Agricultural, steel, petroleum, mortgage, everything. (Got your attention there with that last one, didn’t I!) Subsidies distort the market and inflate the prices of many things while hiding the true costs. You either pay at the counter and pump or you pay in your taxes. Which will it be? The current system is easy for the big wigs with their fancy legal eagles and accounting fancy books to manipulate. What we need is a simple tax system. Throw away the entire tax code and rewrite it on a single 8.5″x11″ sheet of paper in 12 point type with 1″ margins – Something anyone can read and understand. Everybody gets a standard deduction per person. There should be no other deductions, no other ways to game the system. Then everybody then pays a flat tax on all remaining income, wages or capital gains or otherwise. Couple this with a flat national sales tax on all consumer items. Then add the simple rule that the government’s normal budget (not in times ofrealwar) must be balanced including working at gradually paying down the debt. This is a fair tax, a fair system and it protects the future of our children. It is progressive for the poor due to the personal exemption and everybody pays their share above the poverty line. Simplicity.

You can make a difference. Do it.

Globalism. “The European Union Will – as in the past – Come out of the Crisis Stronger.” “Serious (Engineered) Crisis Never to Go to Waste”. Outside National Banks Bail Euro Out

Summary: “The EU falls if the Euro falls,” says Angela Merkel and the the Polish finance minister. Pessimism is spreading – Angela Merkel has muzzled her cabinet since some members have vented their fear that Greece will default  – which immediately set the holy markets in panic. The Prime Minister of Luxembourg shares the pessimism: Greece faces severe restrictions on its sovereignty and must privatize state assets on a scale similar to the sell off of East German firms in the 1990s after communism fell, Eurogroup chairman Jean-Claude Juncker said. 14,000 East German firms were sold off between 1990 and 1994 by Treuhand. Four million Germans were employed by Treuhand-owned companies in 1990 but only about 1.5 million jobs were left in 1994 when the agency closed.
Even the invisible government of the US, the Council on Foreign Relations, writes about “The Gathering Euro storm”: The crisis has the potential to be a lot worse than Lehman Brothers”, said hedge fund investor George Soros.
Also, EU Commission President Barroso seems desperate . “This is a fight for what Europe represents in the world. This is a fight for European integration itself. However, he knows better: “With courage and wisdom, the European Union will – as was the case in the past – come out of the crisis stronger.” That´s exactly why the globalists engineer crises like the present one (after Hegel´s dialectics) – made on Wall Street and in Clinton´s, Bush´s and Obama´s White House. The ongoing engineered economic crisis is being used to grab economic – and so all political power – stealing the sovereignty of national states through e.g. the “European Semester” and the “European Stability and Competitiveness Mechanism” – with inherent consensus-proviso making the Commission´s decisions indisputable in the Council!  The EU always came out stronger from crises – using them as pretexts for centralising power.

The euro crisis is just one among many others on a global scale. The dollar is also in grave trounle. This apparent misery is a cobweb being spun  around the world as we have known it: Globalisation with a brotherhood of  Talmudically founded banksters and corporate owners who have caught nearly every one – in particular “our” politicians and media. Senator Jesse Helms in 1987 said in the US Senate about globalisation  that it was formerly called “one world” and works for a new world order. Furthermore, he said: “The psychological campaign that I am describing is the work of groups within the Eastern establishment, that amorphous amalgam of wealth and social connections whose power resides in its control over our financial system and over a large portion of our industrial sector. The principal instrument of this control over the American economy and money is the Federal Reserve System. It seems to exert control over the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency which Wall Street . It is systematic psychological warfare. All of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin.” 

Many – even former EU Commission President Jacques Delors – think that the euro and the EU are on the brink of collapse. Investigative journalist, Wayne Madsen, writes: The European Union appears to be suffering from the same symptoms as those experienced by the first category of failed European empires: over-extension, a stagnant and bloated bureaucracy, and economic collapse. As Europe strives to become a more unified and federal union, there has been a backlash from across its member states, with a North-South divide and economic turmoil now threatening to bring down the whole house of cards.”

This is critical, for according to the Council on Foreign Relations, the EU is the New World order´s one world state model. That´s why  the FED and other external national banks now are bailing the euro out!!!



EUbusiness 14 Sept. 2011 “Europe is in danger,” Polish Finance Minister, Jacek Rostowski told the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. “If the eurozone breaks up, the European Union will not be able to survive, with all the consequences that one can imagine.” This is an echo of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown sees the euro as finished .Council on Foreign Relations 13 Sept. 2011: The Gathering Euro storm”: The crisis has the potential to be a lot worse than Lehman Brothers” (NYT), said hedge fund investor George Soros
Business Insider 16 July 2011
:  A default of Greece and as a domino effect other countries will cause European banks to default. Here is a list of the 20 most threatened European banks
Here is a list of the worlds 15 most threatened countries facing default.


Gllobalisation has been shaped and manipulated by the corporate banksters who own the world´money, jobs, media  own the media and here and here and here and “our”  politicians and here and here – as well as the EU and here and here and here . The EU´s power is based on its control over our money! So the EU has been vigorously fighting for total economic governance over the national states. That achieved, the national states are no longer sovereign states! And with the European Semester and the European Competiveness and Stability Pact with inherent automaticity for national states to accept what the unelected EU government, the Commission, dictates this goal has been achieved. Now the EU has to deliver on its obligations – but only as long as Germany can and will foot the bill of defaulting EU states is that possible.  For in this process Germany may bleed to death and grow just as poor as Greece. And Germany´s patience is running out. And so has the patience of the austerity-hit poor European populations: They are reacting with mass demonstrations and strikes – even comprising tax collectors! and here.
The EU is in an existential crisis.

What is globalism?
On 15 Dec. 2011, US Senator Jesse Helms said from the Floor of the Senate: “The viewpoint of the establishment today is called globalism. Not so long ago, this viewpoint was called the “one-world” view by its critics. The phrase is no longer fashionable among sophisticates; yet, the phrase “one-world” is still apt because nothing has changed in the minds and actions of those promoting policies consistent with its fundamental tenets.” and he said: “The psychological campaign that I am describing is the work of groups within the Eastern establishment, that amorphous amalgam of wealth and social connections whose power resides in its control over our financial system and over a large portion of our industrial sector. The principal instrument of this control over the American economy and money is the Federal Reserve System. Anyone familiar with American history, and particularly American economic history, cannot fail to notice the control over the Department of State and the Central Intelligence Agency which Wall Street seems to exercise…. It is an influence which, if unchecked, could ultimately subvert our constitutional order. It is systematic psychological warfare. All of these interests are working in concert with the masters of the Kremlin in order to create what some refer to as a new world order.”

Reuters 3 July 2011: Greece faces severe restrictions on its sovereignty and must privatize state assets on a scale similar to the sell off of East German firms in the 1990s after communism fell, Eurogroup chairman Jean-Claude Juncker said. 14,000 East German firms were sold off between 1990 and 1994 by Treuhand. Four million Germans were employed by Treuhand-owned companies in 1990 but only about 1.5 million jobs were left in 1994 when the agency closed. Spiegel 12 Sept.: The rest of the euro zone is losing patience with Greece. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble is no longer convinced that Athens can be saved from bankruptcy. His experts at the Finance Ministry have been working on scenarios exploring what would happen if Greece left the euro zone. Spiegel 14 Sept. 2011: Angela Merkel is desperate to restore calm in and muzzling her ranks to avoid exacerbating the crisis and to gain time to prepare for worst-case scenarios.

The EU always emerge stronger than before form an engineered crisis.This is a fight for what Europe represents in the world. This is a fight for European integration itself.
José Barroso 14 Sept. 2011 – EU Press Release: We must acknowledge the reality – our citizens, the markets, and our partners in the world have not yet been convinced that we are capable of taking on that fight and winning it decisively.
Eu-greece-ruinRenationalising Euro area decisions is not the way to do it. We, the European Commission and the European Parliament, are the community institutions par excellence.”

Handelsblatt 14 Sept. 2011: Investors consider Greek default inevitable. The German Vice Chancellor, Philipp Rösler, said, that Greek controlled default is no taboo. Only 48 % of Germans want the Euro.

“The signal I receive time and time again from our global partners, including in the G20 is that the world expects more integrated Europe. Today I want to confirm that the Commission will soon present options for the introduction of Eurobonds. I believe that, with courage and wisdom, the European Union will – as was the case in the past – come out of the crisis stronger.
Comment: The Independent 15 Sept. 2011: Mr. Barroso´s plan of introducing Euro bonds has been vigorously rejected by Angela Merkel, who faces strong domestic opposition against the bonds which may be unconstitutional.

EUbusiness 14 Sept. 2014: Franco Frattini said: “Italy is ready to give up all sovereignty needed for a genuine European central government. When global challenges rise up at us, we need to act globally.
This is in full acc. with   EU Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, who wants for the benefit of the EU´s unelected government, the EU Commission: 1. Strengthening of the governance of the Schengen area to efficiently evaluate and monitor implementation of the Schengen rules 2. Introduction of a new EU-based decision making regime to require a decision to reintroduce border controls to be taken at European level.

Is the EU disintegrating?
Tower-of-babel-in-ruinsEUObserver 18 Aug. 2011: Former EU commission head Jacques Delors has in an op-ed published in Belgian daily Le Soir and Swiss daily Le Temps said the euro and the EU are “on the brink” of collapse and called plans to have new twice-nearly eurozone summits a “silly gadget” that will not reassure markets.
Strategic Culture Foundation 15 May 2011– Wayne Madsen: Like it or not, the United States will soon see the collapse of an abortive European super-state based in Brussels and the subsequent return of sovereignty to the nations of Europe.
The European Union appears to be suffering from the same symptoms as those experienced by the first category of failed European empires: over-extension, a stagnant and bloated bureaucracy, and economic collapse. As Europe strives to become a more unified and federal union, there has been a backlash from across its member states, with a North-South divide and economic turmoil now threatening to bring down the whole Babel-tower-europe-many-tongues-one-voice-200house of cards.

This is critical, for the EU is the model of the New World Order
EurActiv 26 May 2011: Jeffrey D. Sachs is a CFR member and professor of economics and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. He is also special adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General on the Millennium Development Goals. “ The European Union provides the best model for how neighbours that have long fought each other can come together for mutual benefit.
But globalization ….is undermining its own political and economic vitality. The United States is tied up in knots just as the renationalization of European politics is eating away at the EU’s sense of unity and purpose. It can hardly be accidental that both sides of the Atlantic are simultaneously experiencing acute problems of governance(!!)

The Council on Foreign Relations 5 Sept. 2011: Globalization appears to be weakening state capacity.…It erodes the capacity of open and democratic states by penetrating borders and rooting around the normal levers of control that governments have at their disposal.  Unable to respond adequately to global challenges – volatile capital markets, de-industrialization, global warming, and immigration, to name a few – democratic governments face an Angry-putinangry brand of populism that makes matters worse. The resulting gap between the demand for good governance and its short supply alienates voters and leaves governments only less effective and more vulnerable.  A decade after the tragic events of that day, empowered and angry men and women right here at home pose the more telling challenge to the well-being of the West (!!!)

Is the EU really splitting?
Spiegel 13 May 2011: An unusual number of crises – from the Fukushima disaster to the Arab Spring — have challenged what used to be called the “European spirit.” The communal feeling is crumbling. The financial crisis has split the continent, and “me first” has become the new credo in Brussels. Another divide has arisen over the EU budget: 9 EU countries condemn an 11% rise in the EU budget. ‘Europe is not just lurching from one crisis to another – it is lurching into a new one before the previous one is solved,’ said Makoto Noji, a senior strategist at SMBC Nikko Securities in Tokyo.


Finnish voters, meanwhile, gave enough support to a right-wing populist party in a recent national election to let them, conceivably, enter the government and derail an EU support package for debt-ridden Portugal.  “Me first” Europeans have also gained ground in Germany, for the same reasons. Merkel’s opponents fear that Berlin will become the paymaster for an increasingly hopeless euro zone.The threat is real for Merkel.
The European experiment is showing
severe signs of strain, not just among politicians.  A recent poll conducted by Germany’s Forsa Institute found  widespread approval among Germans for certain positions voiced by right-wing populist politicians. 30% said they wanted an “independent Merkel-paymasterGermany, without the euro, where the EU holds no legal sway.”

The Commission prefers to act quietly, behind the scenes. This tendency leads to lazy compromises.
The bloc imposed sanctions against Syria and froze the assets of 13 members of the Syrian government. The German representatives questioned, though, why Syria’s dictator, Bashar Assad, was not among the 13. Catherine Ashton, the EU’s foreign policy chief, told the Germans to quiet down — only to face mounting criticism in the European Parliament. “Hardly one of today’s heads of state or government (in Europe),” Günther Verheugen – a former EU Commissioner -writes, “would risk his office on trying to deepen European integration.”
When the Danish government announced that it would suspend its adherence to the Schengen Agreement, and unilaterally close its borders, no one at the EU banged a fist to defend one of the greatest accomplishments of the European bloc — freedom of travel. Instead, the Commission demanded an “explanation” from Copenhagen. A majority of the 27 EU interior ministers declared on Thursday that they were ready to allow future border controls in “exceptional cases,” including “immigration pressure.”

European-spiritEUOBSERVER 13 May 2011 – One day after Berlin’s angry reaction, EU commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso has warned Copenhagen that its decision to reinstate customs checks at borders is illegal under EU rules. The Danish government maintains the contrary.
Denmark’s envisaged customs checks, video surveillance and beefed up police presence “appear to put in question the smooth functioning of Europe’s single market and the benefits that an integrated area without internal borders brings for both businesses and citizens,” the commission president wrote to the Danish Prime Minister.
The letter ends with the indirect threat of legal action. His reaction was reinforced by a statement of home affairs commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom.
Comment: This is a hysterical reaction. Denmark does not consider to leave the Schengen Agreement. It just intends to keep an eye on crosssing unwanted persons. The New Danish Prime Minister, Bilderberger 2009 and  co-founder/member of Soros´ European Council on Foreign Relations, Helle Thorning-Schmidt is a good little NWO puppet: She will immediately remove this piece of theatrical scenery for the electorate.
The situation is aggravating: Deutsche Welle 16 Sept. 2011 Eurozone and IMF officials have delayed to October whether to approve the bailouts that Greece needs to keep it from bankruptcy. The donor countries hesitate to deliver the money, Finland even demanding collaterals for doing it.
“What’s very damaging is not just seeing the divisiveness in the debate over strategy in Europe but the ongoing conflict between countries and (Rothschild´s) central bank,” said US Treasurer Tim Geithner.

Letting the fox guard the henhouse – or the banksters our money
CIS (Center for International Studies at the University of Chicago – Rockefeller founded): In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said that“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste”. In his article The Quiet Coup, Simon Johnson, former chief of the IMF, explains how the United States brought about our current global downturn. The blind faith in Wall Street and here as well as lack of monitoring has led us to where we are now, in the depths of an avoidable, yet horrendous recession. The proposal needs to figure out how best to oversee the entire system, which should mean a consolidation. This could mean an expansion in the Federal Reserve’s power.”


The US Secr. of the Treasury  Tim Geithner, and FED Board Chairman Ben Bernanke alongside with  the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank are bailing the the Euro out in the short run , just printing more money out of thin air and creating more inflation  (The Mail 17 Sept. 2011).

The following video  (first 13 minutes) explains, why the US bailed the EU out: The global Ponzi scheme has to take place in dollars in order to provide the US with available money from repayments and interest. In the first line, the private Jewish FED lends the money to the US government against interest – which is unconstitutional.  We, the savers and tax payers and pensioners are footing the bill for this acceleration of money printing out of thin air:

One main cause of the global financial crisis is Rothschild´s central bank system which creates money as a kind of bonds, i.e. debt, giving it to the state which has to pay interest – although at least the FED money printing is illegal, this right constitutionally belonging to the US Congress and President only – and has created tremendous debts for nearly all states in the world. Nevertheless, the globalist think tank, the CIS suggests to let the FED oversee the whole system. The FED is owned by 12 Jewish banks – headed by Rothschild! This is the old way of the NWO to rob you and me. No wonder – the name of the author of the article is also Jewish (Amy Solomon).

The EU lives on crises: Every (mostly engineered) crisis in its history has been abused to increase the control over us by the unelected eurocratic government in Brussels. This is the old Hegelian Illuminati trick: 1. create problem (thesis) 2. present a (bloody/enslaving) reaction (antithesis) 3. create a solution (synthesis) to bring power and money from the thesis and antithesis  – and to become a new thesis.
The EU will not disintegrate as long as its dairy cow, Germany, goes on paying war damages to its 4. Reich – as planned at Strassbourg in 1944 – supported even by states which have voted “no” for the euro.. The EU will not disintegrate as long as it has the police, the EUROGENDFOR and the EUFOR/ESDP as well as the US NWO to support it. For the EU is Wall Street/London City´s model for its one world government that exists since 2009 (video above). As EU Commission Pres. Barroso said on 24 March 2011: Europe may say that Europe has delivered its part of the bargain on global governance.”

Armed Troops Burn Down Homes, Kill Children To Evict Ugandans In Name Of Global Warming

Armed troops acting on behalf of a British carbon trading company backed by the World Bank burned houses to the ground and killed children to evict Ugandans from their homes in the name of seizing land to protect against “global warming,” a shocking illustration of how the climate change con is a barbarian form of neo-colonialism.

Armed Troops Burn Down Homes, Kill Children To Evict Ugandans In Name Of Global Warming uganda 2004956c

The evictions were ordered by New Forests Company, an outfit that seizes land in Africa to grow trees then sells the “carbon credits” on to transnational corporations. The company is backed by the World Bank and HSBC. Its Board of Directors includes HSBC Managing Director Sajjad Sabur, as well as other former Goldman Sachs investment bankers.

The company claims residents of Kicucula left in a “peaceful” and “voluntary” manner, and yet the people tell a story of terror and bloodshed.

Villagers told of how armed “security forces” stormed their village and torched houses, burning an eight-year-child to death as they threatened to murder anyone who resisted while beating others.

“We were in church,” recalled Jean-Marie Tushabe, 26, a father of two. “I heard bullets being shot into the air.”

“Cars were coming with police,” Mr. Tushabe said, sitting among the ruins of his old home. “They headed straight to the houses. They took our plates, cups, mattresses, bed, pillows. Then we saw them getting a matchbox out of their pockets.”

“But in this case, the government and the company said the settlers were illegal and evicted for a good cause: to protect the environment and help fight global warming,” reports the New York Times.

An Oxfam report documents how the British outfit has worked with the Ugandan government to forcibly expel over 20,000 people from their homes using terror and violence as part of a lucrative scramble for arable land that can be used to satisfy the multi-billion dollar carbon trading ponzi scheme, which is worth $1.8 million a year to the company.

“I no longer own any land. It’s impossible to feed my children – they have suffered so much. Some days all they eat is porridge from maize flour. When people can’t eat well their bodies become weak – there have been lots of cases of malaria and diarrhoea. Some days we don’t eat anything at all,” said former farmer Francis Longoli, whose land was stolen by New Forests.

As we have previously documented, the manufactured threat of man-made global warming is being used as a tool of neo-colonialism in the third world, not only through the seizure of land and infrastructure, thereby preventing poor nations from using their resources to develop, but by literally starving poverty-stricken people to death.

Climate change alarmism and implementation of global warming policies is a crime of the highest nature, because it is already having a genocidal impact in countries like Haiti, where the doubling of food prices is resulting in a substantial increase in starvation, poverty and death, with the population being forced to live on mud pies.
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    As a National Geographic Report confirmed, “With food prices rising, Haiti’s poorest can’t afford even a daily plate of rice, and some must take desperate measures to fill their bellies,” by “eating mud,” partly as a consequence of “increasing global demand for biofuels.”

    In April 2008, World Bank President Robert Zoellick admitted that biofuels were a “significant contributor” to soaring food prices that have led to poor people dying from starvation as a result of biofuels dominating land that would normally be used to harvest food.

    Even man-made global warming advocate George Monbiot admits that promotion of biofuels “is causing starvation in the poor world,” particularly in Swaziland, where the decision to allocate several thousand hectares of farmland to ethanol production despite the country being in the grip of a famine was labeled “a crime against humanity” by Jean Ziegler, the UN’s special rapporteur.

    But it’s not just biofuels, a product of global warming alarmism, that are unleashing a genocide against black people in poorer countries, it’s the whole anti-development mantra embraced by climate change activists that is being enforced by supranational organizations like the World Bank and the IMF in the name of reducing carbon dioxide, the evil life-giving gas that plants breathe and humans exhale.

    Indeed, poorer countries rejected the 2009 Copenhagen climate agreement precisely because it discriminated against third world nations.

    In addition, the Obama administration, firmly supported by Al Gore, last year ordered the World Bank to keep “developing” countries underdeveloped by blocking them from building coal-fired power plants, ensuring that poorer countries remain in poverty as a result of energy demands not being met.

    By preventing poor nations from becoming self-sufficient in blocking them from producing their own energy, the Obama administration is ensuring that millions more will die from starvation and lack of access to hospitals and medical treatment.

    While ignorant environmentalist leftists preach all day about the effects of global warming having the most impact on poorer countries, it is in fact the poorer countries and their people who are suffering most from global warming alarmism, and predators like the banker-backed New Forests Company.

    Transnational corporations, in league with western governments and offshore banks, have seized upon the climate change scam to carry out genocidal policies and land grabs in the pursuit of selling carbon credits to other transnational corporations who then merely pass on the cost to the consumer.

    by Paul Joseph Watson